Monthly Archives: October 2012

I’m still fun…

The hubbie and I, as some of you know, have been going through a rough patch. It is, just that, a rough patch. Anyway, we have dreamed of, discussed, fought about things we can do to “re-kindle” the fire. In fact, I’ve told him flat out that I will not get pregnant again until he takes me somewhere amazing and I feel super special again (not in those exact words but fairly close).

So, when the opportunity to go out for a night of dancing (my favorite thing in the world), we practically seized it. Ok, not really. I got a close friend to watch the little guy which is really watching him on a baby monitor because we did all the hard stuff like bath and bedtime. When I talked to her a few hours before, I confessed I didn’t know if we’d really go out and she immediately said, “umm really? I’m coming to babysit because I feel bad that you haven’t gone out – please don’t waste my time.” At this point, I realized we should probably suck it up and go out despite how exhausted we were from my sons’ night tantrum from 3am – 4am.

Driving down the freeway dressed all nice seems pretty fun with your fairly good-looking husband especially when he is looking pretty hot too. I was excited.. to try to bring back some of the sizzle. Being a parent is fun but damn it can knock the pretty out of you by the minute (or by morning which is how my son likes to do it). We couldn’t agree on details like dinner, where to go, etc but we finally decided to pick up dinner quickly and then head to a bar with a decent dance floor. We parked and started walking when I pointed out a bar that my friends frequent. Upon looking closer, we saw an old friend so thought we’d swing by to say hello. This encounter turned interesting as I ran into a second friend. This friend thought I had died and come back from heaven upon seeing me. I told her we’d be dancing a few bars over and she said she’d come by. She looked me square in the eye and said “I can’t believe you’re out.”

Many of you are probably saying, what are you saying here? She’s just being honest but the the of her voice was like “You became a mom and basically boring so I’m surprised you’d hang out with us fun people.” I decided to let all this go because heck, whatever, I’m having a fun night w/ my hubbie.

We proceed to our destination and I hear the music and I gravitate to the pre-baby person, non-mom, hot smokin’ gal that I am and shake my tail off. My husband and I, despite the strange crowd, are having a good time dancing away (ok I’m probably having more fun than he is — he is just swaying right to left behind me). The same friend finds me in the dance floor and starts dancing with me. She puts her arms around me and again tells me how glad she is to see me out….

I know I’m pushing it but why does seeing me at a bar seem so shocking? I mean I could be at a bar more if I wanted but I don’t know that I really want to. I’m not sure that mom = unfun. I guess that’s what bothered me — it was like she felt that I didn’t know how to have fun anymore now that I’m a mom. It’s just so unfun of me to be at a bar or out with my husband dancing.

I know I’m probably reading into this way too much but have you ever felt like that? Have the people around you ever made you feel like you became a parent and then just a loser like at the exact same time?

Well, maybe you have and maybe you haven’t but I just can’t help feeling a little offended that my motherhood makes me less fun. If only my friend could see me lay on the ground next to my son and fake tantrums like he does…. 😉

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October 23, 2012 · 3:43 pm

Working Mom 101

Hug your kid.

Kiss your kid.

Cuddle w/ your partner.

Jump up and down on a bed.





Accept that you will not be perfect in every category.

Remember to cherish the moments that matter.



Don’t sweat the small stuff – after getting Liquid Advil in my hair because my son was NOT going to take that horrible poison I was giving him, I decided against scolding him about my hair and just decided that’s life.

Love. every second. every moment. every smile. each drop of goodness.

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Filed under Mom, Work

Things I did in the first 6 months

It’s been really intense – my travel schedule has been hell-ish and my mind has been filled with 1 million thoughts plus in the last few days I am almost stuck in my head but in an effort to stick to my plan which was to make this blog about my journey through motherhood, today, I want to share things I did in the first 6 months as a new mom…….

  • cry regularly – only when I couldn’t put my son to sleep
  • Google topics like sleeping through the night
  • look at BabyCenter blogs every day
  • Google topics like eating solids
  • reminisce about the old days
  • post my baby vents on BabyCenter only to be judged by moms for having a nanny and supposedly beating my child
  • Google topics like teething
  • try to create a balance/schedule for my son
  • Google topics like eating – how much does my 6 month old need
  • fall asleep while my son breastfed at night – we co-slept and loved it
  • realize that my son wasn’t getting enough sleep and learn about every sleep method i could possibly find
  • look up baby food recipes in an attempt to not feed my son SHIT (that’s what they are calling foods you buy from the store not made from real products) – ultimately, i stuck with gerber jars for a long time because i’m not a freaking chef!
  • use a cheese grater to make apple sauce
  • bite into foods and then give the bite in my mouth to my son
  • cry some more
  • try to figure out which breast had more milk
  • pump every day like a machine
  • think of the days i no longer have to breastfeed
  • hold my son to my breast so he’ll learn to eat (he was a night-nurser and felt if he breastfed during the day, he may MISS something
  • Google things like cold, flu, temperature, or how many ounces should my son be getting
  • Get caught up in posts about co-sleeping vs crib training, cry it out methods vs attachment parenting, high needs children vs what my friend says are “blah” babies

This is just a SMALL collection of my days as a new mom. There is SOOOOO much uncertainty regarding what to do, how to do it, how not to do it, figuring out the elements needed to get it right that the first 6 months are just a crazy fest!

If you find yourself Googling some of the things I googled, you’ll have so much fun and at the same time go very crazy.

Good luck!

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Filed under Mom